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What are the 5 Strengthening Families Protective Factors?

A Blog Series

  • Parental Resilience

  • Social Connections

  • Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development

  • Concrete Supports for Parents

  • Social and Emotional Competence of Children

  • Parental resilience is the ability of parents to manage stress, have a positive outlook, and be able to learn from their experiences.

  • Social connections are the supports from family, friends, and community that help a family to cope.

  • Knowledge of parenting and child development is the understanding of each child's unique development, and the ability to use positive parenting strategies.

  • Concrete supports for parents are the resources available to parents that help them to provide a safe and secure home for their children.

  • Social and emotional competence of children is the ability to understand and manage their own emotions, as well as build relationships with peers and adults.

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